Refer a Friend

Love Spacer? Share us with your friends and earn up to $250!

Know someone with a spare garage or car space? Invite your friends to join Spacer and for
every friend who who lists a space and receives a qualifying booking, you earn $25 and
they’ll get $25 too!

Read terms and conditions

Sound good? So how do you refer a friend?

Step 1

Login to your Dashboard and select
refer a friend. We will ask for their name
and email address.

Step 2

Your friend will receive an email,
showing them how to list their space.

Step 3

You and your friend will receive your
referral bonuses shortly after their first
qualifying booking begins, directly to
your bank account!

Get Started and Refer a Friend Today!

Refer a Friend

Parking by State:









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University Parking

University Parking

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University of California (UCS)

University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago

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University of Chicago